Ilomantsi Battlegrounds Trail

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Ilomantsi Battlegrounds Trail

Ilomantsi is the only municipality in Finland that saw major division-level battles during the Winter and Continuation Wars in 1939–1944. An estimated of 50,000 men took part in fighting in Ilomantsi. Ilomantsi Battlegrounds Trail is a 150-kilometer-long network of roads. All locations of military historical interest outside the border zone are accessible either on the roadside or in its immediate vicinity. These include dozens of memorials, information boards, museums, buildings and restored fighting positions. They give a visitor a comprehensive understanding of Ilomantsi's unique wartime history.

Winter War 1939-40 in Finland

Winter War 1939-40

At the start of the Winter War on the morning of 30 November 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II, a Red Army division of 18,000 soldiers crossed the old eastern border at Ilomantsi, supported by tanks. 

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Continuation War 1941–44

Continuation War 1941–44

In early summer 1941, marching troops were again seen on the Ilomantsi Battlegrounds Trail, this time fortunately only their own. Strong signs of the outbreak of the Continuation War were in the air.

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Battlegrounds Trail Road Network

Dozens of memorials, information boards, museums and restored fighting positions can be viewed along the Battlegrounds Trail. For detailed information, see the site descriptions. The track to the easternmost point of continental European Union, or East Point, is not cleared of snow in winter.

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